
Celulită și vergeturi

Clay body wrap Clay body wrap
77,90 RON cu DPH
Skin firming serum Skin firming serum
72,90 RON cu DPH
Snail saliva gel Snail saliva gel
72,90 RON cu DPH
Cypress essential oil Cypress essential oil
31,90 RON cu DPH
Geranium essential oil Geranium essential oil
48,90 RON cu DPH
Juniper essential oil Juniper essential oil
33,90 RON cu DPH
Birch soap with rosemary Birch soap with rosemary
24,90 RON cu DPH
Grapefruit essential oil Grapefruit essential oil
33,90 RON cu DPH
100% Šípkový olej 100% Šípkový olej
92,90 RON cu DPH